Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Side Reins


I have been horrified by my personal observations of side rein misusage. Too many trainers are cranking down the side rides, causing severe hyperextension and blocking proper engagement of the hind end. Why train your horse to be comfortable viewing the world upside down? Trainers who resort to this method of training do so because they don't know how to train the proper way. Period. 

Side reins used correctly, however, can be a trainer's best friend. They can help teach the horse balance, keep his attention, encourage moving forward onto the bit and, aid in top line conditioning. The proper rule of thumb for measuring length of side rein is to attach them to the girth and pull them toward the throat latch. They should be about a hand's width away from the throat. 

Unfortunately, many trainers ignore this principle or are completely unaware of it. They see other incompetent trainers severely shortening their side reins and they follow suit. Centuries of master dressage trainers have emphasized over and over that shortcuts just don't work. 

If you have been properly trained to use this invaluable tool the correct way, I highly recommend an adjustable side rein. While leather is always safer than nylon, the new synthetic side reins offer quick adjustment rings. Not only is it faster and safer to adjust this way, it is also easier to make sure you have them even. Some synthetic side reins use a doughnut to allow elasticity, while other provide an elastic band at the end near the bit. While I cannot testify to this specific brand, the Performers 1st Choice Side Reins are a perfect example. 

For more information on the proper use of side reins, you can study internationally excepted British Horse Society practice standards.

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